Daily STREAM Activity: Butterfly Shadow Art

Create your own butterfly wings!

Activity best for children age 4 and up

A butterfly is an insect that has brightly colored wings with unique patterns made up of tiny scales. A butterfly’s wing patterns are symmetrical meaning that the pattern on one wing is the exact same pattern on the other wing, it is a mirror image.  The patterns and colors of butterflies help them blend into their habitat and provides protection from predators. Today, you will make your own butterfly wings with unique patterns and colors! The shapes are cut out so that light can  pass through and make interesting shadows.

Materials you’ll need:

Large piece of cardboard



Colored cellophane


String or ribbon

Questions to answer while experimenting:

What pattern do you want to make on your wings?

Do you have a favorite shape you want to make?

Does the shadow your wings make change during the day?


Have a grown up help you to cut out a large piece of cardboard into a wing shape.

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With a marker draw some large shapes on the wings. Remember to have the same shapes in the same places on each wing, a mirror image.

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Have a grown up help you to cut out the shapes you drew.

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Cut colored cellophane just a bit bigger than each shape and use tape to  cover each shape with the colored cellophane. Make each shape a different color.

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Use some string or ribbon to and tie them around the middle of the wings. This will be where you slip your arms in so you can wear your wings.

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Math extension:

Go on a symmetry hunt around your house.

Look in the mirror to see how you are symmetrical.

Reading extension:

Butterfly Alphabet Book
by Brian Cassie & Jerry Pallotta
Image 9 2 20 At 12.32 PM