Daily STREAM Activity: Exploding Bag

This activity is a blast!

Activity best for children age 3 and up

Make bags explode! The chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda causes it to bubble and expand, releasing carbon dioxide. The build-up of gas will cause the bag to pop and the mixture to explode out! Heads up, this can be a bit messy, so we recommend going outside to complete this activity.

Materials you’ll need:

Plastic bag

Clothespins or some type of clip (I used a hair clip that worked perfectly!)

⅓ Cup of vinegar 

2 tablespoons of baking soda

Optional: food coloring


Pour ⅓ cup vinegar into each plastic bag. Add the food coloring to the vinegar.

Image 7 30 20 At 1.37 PM

Twist the top of the bag just above the vinegar, closing it off with the clip. Make sure there is space left in the bag above the clip

Image 7 30 20 At 1.38 PM

Pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda into the space above the clip. The baking soda and vinegar should be separate. Seal the plastic bag.

Image 7 30 20 At 1.38 PM (1)

Now it’s time for the action to happen! When you are ready, undo the clip from the bag and allow the baking soda to fall into the vinegar. Watch the bag fill with fizzing gas and explode!

Image 7 30 20 At 1.38 PM (2)
Image 7 23 20 At 2.00 PM (3)

Blog post by Gabby, San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum Volunteer