STREAM Activity: Create Your Own Scale

How much does your favorite toy weigh?

Activity best for children ages 2 and up

Have you ever wondered how tall a certain tree was? Or how heavy a toy is? We are able to find out how big, long, or heavy something is by using measurement. Measurement makes use of numbers and by using those numbers, we make decisions. When we bake cakes, we need to measure how much of each ingredient would be needed, otherwise the cake might not turn out the way we would want it to. Architects and engineers also need to use measurements to measure how long a piece of wood is or maybe how much space a room has in order for them to build accurately. We are also able to measure the weight of things in fun ways, like using weighing scales. These scales allow us to find out how heavy something is by using different objects. Today, we will be making our own fun weighing scale and experimenting with how we can measure the weight of an object.

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2 plastic or paper cups



Guiding Questions:

Can you find one thing at home that you are taller than? Try to measure how tall you are!

Have you seen a weighing scale at the grocery store or at the doctors?


Step 1

You will need a grown-ups help to do this first step- cut three circular incisions on equal points of the cup.

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Step 2

Insert a piece of string into the hole and tie a knot. Repeat this step for the remaining holes on the cup.

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Step 3

Join the strings together and tie them together at the top.

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Step 4

Do the same for the other cup and then hang one cup on each side of the hanger.

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Step 5

Put an object in one of the cups and try to find out how much it weighs by balancing the hanger scale. Find smaller items to place into the other empty cup and count how many of those items does it take to balance the scale.

*In this example, the toy on the left is what we are trying to measure the weight of. After 4 markers were put into the empty cup on the right side, the scale balanced out. This means that the toy’s weight is the same as 4 markers!

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Grown Ups-Are you looking for more ways to extend your child’s learning? Check out these extension activities to build upon today’s STREAM activity!

Reading Connections

“Measuring Penny” by Loreen Leedy

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Science Connections

Scientists use measurement every single day for their experiments and research! By balancing weights and finding out how heavy something is or how much of a chemical is in a container, scientists can make the best decisions to solve their problems.