STREAM Activity: Father’s Day Book

Create a fun book with your kiddos for Father's Day!

Activity best for children age 2 and up

Around the world dads, grandfathers, uncles and other important male figures in our lives are celebrated on Father’s Day. We celebrate these men in our families for the love they give us, the fun things we get to do with them, and the cool things we learn from them. 

In the animal world some male animals have some really interesting adaptations that make them amazing animal parents. For example, the male seahorse gives birth to the baby sea horses and the male emperor penguin takes turns with the female penguins to keep the eggs safe and warm until they hatch. The daddy bat-eared fox is in charge of grooming the young ones, that means he is in charge of bath time! 

Today we are making a fun and interactive activity for the male role models in your life. You can easily do this with dad, stepdad, grandpa, uncle, or another important male figure in your life. Get ready to interview them and then make some fun and creative art!

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Materials you’ll need:

Colored paper

Markers or crayons


Guiding Questions:

What makes Dad so special?

What do I like to do with Dad?

How can I show Dad some love?

How does my family love Dad?


Have your male role model put his hand on a large piece of paper, you can trace his hand with a pencil. You will need two of his handprints, one to be the cover and the other one to be the back of the “book”.  Now put your hand on a piece of paper and have your male role model trace your handprint. You will need lots of your handprints to be the pages of the “book”.

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Think of some questions that you would like to ask your male role model. For example:
Do you know what his favorite food to eat is?
What does he like to do?
How does he like to spend time with you?
Take some time to ask your male role model these questions that are all about him.

Cut out the handprint of your male role model. This is going to be the cover and back of your book all about him. The smaller handprints (yours handprints!) will be the inside pages of the book.

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Have a grown up help you to write down your male role model’s answers to your questions. You can also draw his answers. Write or draw the answers to the questions you have asked on the small hand prints. Decorate the cover page of the book. Be super creative. 

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When you have finished writing and drawing your book all about your male role model, ask a grown-up to help you staple one side of the book together. Now you have your own book all about an important male figure in your life!

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Grown Ups-Are you looking for more ways to extend your child’s learning? Check out these extension activities to build upon today’s STREAM activity!

Reading Connections: 

There are so many books that you can read to celebrate fathers. Here are a few to enjoy.

Animal Dads by Sneed B. Collard III
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My Daddy Rules the World by Hope Anita Smith

Daddy Hugs by Karen Katz