Daily STREAM Activity: Ants on a Log

A yummy, healthy treat!

Activity best for children age 2 and up

Want to make a tasty, healthy, and easy treat that is also fun to eat? How about this version of  Ants on a Log! Bananas make a great go-to snack and using simple items from the kitchen, like nut butters, raisins, or dried cranberries can help you use your imagination to make a row of edible ants to eat! 

Ants walk in a line because they are following the scent of their leader. One line to the food and another line back to the nest!

Have a grown-up help with the cutting of the banana and then the rest is lots of tasty fun for your little ones to do.

Image 8 6 20 At 2.30 PM (4)



Nut butter of your choice or cream cheese

Raisins, Craisins, or Chocolate chips

Knife for cutting and spreading

Plate for serving

Questions to answer while cooking:

What animals like to eat ants?

Is a banana a fruit or vegetable?

What are raisins and craisins?


Peel and cut the banana in half long ways. Have a grown up help with the cutting.

Image 8 6 20 At 2.30 PM

Spread some nut butter or cream cheese on the banana.

Image 8 6 20 At 2.30 PM (1)

Use the raisins, craisins, or chocolate chips to make the ants in a row

Image 8 6 20 At 2.30 PM (2)

Eat and enjoy!

Image 8 6 20 At 2.30 PM (3)