Art Activity: Fizzy Painting

Let's combine chemistry and art to create a beautiful reaction!

Activity best for children age 2 and up

This activity uses chemistry and art at the same time! When we combine two chemicals, like baking soda and vinegar, we get a fizzy chemical reaction that turns into carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas, which is why it becomes bubbly in this experiment. By adding beautiful colors, we have two things – a chemistry experiment and a painting.

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Materials You’ll Need:

Baking soda


Watercolor paper

Food coloring


Guiding Questions:

What happens to the baking soda when the “paint” is dropped onto it?

Why do you think it gets fizzy?



For each color, mix 1 tbsp. of vinegar with a couple of drops of food coloring.

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Smooth a layer of baking soda on top of the watercolor paper. Make sure to place the paper on top of something you don’t mind getting messy.

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Start painting. What do you notice?

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Keep painting until you create your masterpiece!

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Let your painting dry. Once dried, rub off all of the extra baking soda.

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Grown Ups-Are you looking for more ways to extend your child’s learning? Check out these extension activities to build upon today’s STREAM activity!

Reading Connections:

Basher Science: Chemistry, Getting a Big Reaction by Dan Green

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Real-World Connections:

Matter is the stuff all around us! Chemistry helps kids understand the changes that happen to matter all the time.

Science Connections:

Talk about other chemicals that might create a fizzy reaction. What would happen if you added something else to the baking soda and vinegar solution?