Meet Anna Bogh

Meet one of the winners of our 2020 Billboard Competition!

Anna Bogh is an artist and immigrant from Russia who gathered inspiration from her surroundings and heritage to create one of the winning art pieces of the 2020 “Joy of Being Outside” Billboard Competition. Local high school student Anna Distefano, in partnership with Mrs. Memarzadeh, EUHSD’s 2020 Teacher of the Year, interviewed Anna Bogh about her inspiration for her winning piece, “Flower Connection.”

Anna Bogh Mural

What is your background? How did you become an artist, and at what age did you begin to really get into it?

Since childhood, I have created art. I would say my grandfather opened the door to that wonderland for me. He stimulated my creativity through his own example. I remember when I was around the age of four, I would participate in an art class in day care. The task was to replicate the shape of flower petals by using the shape of the brush. It was hard for me to find the right angle. I brightly remember this moment. I really got into art about five years ago, soon after my daughter was born. A little later that year, I was invited by my friend to join a public acrylic paint event. That was the moment I fell in love with the acrylic medium. I started to dream about how to become an acrylic artist. And here you go! Within a few months I opened my own event for the Russian-speaking community in San Diego, called Art & Tea Party.

Pictures from “Art & Tea Party,” an event for the Russian-speaking community in San Diego founded by Anna Bogh.

Who or what has been your biggest inspiration and motivator?

As I said before, my whole inspiration started with my grandfather’s artwork. I would say the main motivation for me was to find myself, here, in the United States, hundreds of thousands of miles from the motherland.

What does the “Joy of Being Outside” mean to you? What did it mean to you as a child?

Being outside makes me happier and more creative, especially when you blend in with nature. When I was young there was no TV with thousands of channels, no internet, and computers weren’t a part of my childhood experience. So, my activity outside was the joy of connecting with friends and the environment.

Through your art do you try to inspire others or is it just simply loving to create? 


What advice do you have for children or adults who are interested in learning more about or getting involved in art?

I would advise them to try everything, do not be afraid to make mistakes, be passionate, and believe in yourself. And, I recommend visiting museums as often as possible.

What do you hope children and families take away when viewing your piece?

Even though my piece is rooted in my culture, it unites many different cultures. I think it is a beautiful idea to keep the world in peace by connecting them with love and flowers. I hope children and families take away this idea after viewing my piece.

Blog post by Anna Distefano. Over the past few years, Anna has been actively involved in her community through Key Club and Girl Scouts, and she enjoys working on projects to better her community.